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How to Be More Confident in Your Sales

How to Be More Confident in Your Sales

How to Be More Confident in Your Sales

Are you ready to be more confident in your sales? Even if you know travel well, you might not feel like sales comes naturally for you. If you find yourself here, never fear! Anyone can grow in sales confidence with practice. Here are some tips to get you started:

1. Start your day well

Sometimes a good start to the day is all you need to boost your confidence at work. A little night-before prep, an early start, and a good routine to get you fired up… You’ll be ready for anything. Be sure to check out our blog post to read 8 things successful people do every morning!

2. Prepare your pitch

Can you explain your services to someone in 30 seconds? If it’s too long, you won’t sound confident telling people what you do and why they should let you plan their vacation. Prepare also to answer some of the most common questions people have about travel advisors. Do you save your clients’ time? Do you save money? What happens when someone books a trip themselves? Rehearse these answers well enough so you are able to give them naturally when asked.

3. Sell what you love

Don’t sell anything you wouldn’t buy yourself! This is the surest way to come across as “the phony salesman.” Pick a niche you love and know and stick with it. Don’t recommend packages if you truly don’t believe they are worth their value. If you sell only what you believe is worth it, you will maintain your confidence in sales.

4. Let your knowledge shine

What do you have that OTA’s don’t? Knowledge (among many other things)! You have first-hand experience that your clients can’t by just booking something online. So let your knowledge be the star: on your website, in your marketing, and in your sales pitch. Keep taking those FAM trips. Keep reading and educating yourself on what’s new in travel. Your knowledge and expertise is one of your most valuable assets as a travel advisor.

5. Get a PhD in people

No, I don’t mean you need to go back to school. Make it your lifelong mission to be a student of people – even when you’re not on the clock. Watch how they interact with others. Read body language. Learn subtle cues. Practice mirroring both in person and over the phone in order to gain connection when you communicate.

6. Ditch negativity

If you allow yourself to be surrounded by negative people and negative content, it will show through in every area of your life – including your sales! Do you have coworkers that complain? Are you getting sucked into negative content online? Pay attention to what you’re letting into your mind and watch what happens with your confidence.

7. Build personal confidence

Speaking of personal confidence, what are some other ways you can give yourself a boost? Sometimes our confidence at work can be affected by other areas of our lives – even the ones we might not see as related. Perhaps you’re struggling with anxiety, poor health, social withdrawal, or a bad habit you can’t seem to shake. Low-self esteem is hard to defeat if you don’t address it head on. Pinpoint which areas are holding you back and work on those. Don’t forget to get help if you need it!

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Shawna Levet

Shawna is passionate about helping travel agents grow their business and expand their knowledge as travel experts. She has been in the travel industry since 2011, helping agents and travelers alike find the best negotiated airfare and travel coverage to meet their needs.

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