Centrav Resources
3 Ways to Invest in Your Small Business

3 Ways to Invest in Your Small Business

As a travel agent, you wear many hats. You are often over your own finances, marketing, sales, and even your own tech support. It is well worth it to invest in these areas and allow yourself to learn and grow. The best part is it’s very easy to do this from the comfort of your home office! Join a network, watch a webinar, or pick up a book. Here are a few ideas to help you grow your business.

1. Start networking

Networking is a skill travel agents can’t live without. Yes, we know–it’s virtually impossible to network in a pandemic. But actually, it’s not! Chatrooms and virtual happy-hours are the only networking opportunities available so everyone is doing them! All you have to do is put on a nice shirt, angle that camera well, and put on a smile! People want connection! In addition to chat rooms and groups, there are many established travel agent networks that can provide you with learning opportunities and even credentialing that will give you a badge of credibility with clients. Here are a few to consider:

ASTA (American Society of Travel Agents)

ASTA is the largest association of travel professionals in the world. They advocate for travel agents, travel suppliers, and tour operators alike. ASTA’s mission is to “facilitate the business of selling travel through effective representation, shared knowledge and the enhancement of professionalism.”

CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association)

As the world’s largest cruise industry association, CLIA represents over 50 cruise lines and over 25,000 travel agent members. They are committed to promoting policies and practices that create a safe, secure, healthy, and sustainable cruise ship environment. The CLIA network strives to advocate, educate, and promote the common interests of the cruising community.

IATAN (International Airlines Travel Agent Network)

Card-carrying members of IATAN’s travel agent network have access to exclusive education materials and rewards programs. Card benefits may include deals from industry suppliers such as hotels, airlines, attractions, FAM trips, and more.

2. Watch a webinar

Webinars are an incredible resource for you to stay current on new products and deals provided by travel and hospitality vendors, sharpening your skills and knowledge as a travel expert. Take a look at these webinars and tutorials:

CCRA Webinars
Centrav Tutorials
Travel Agent Central Webinars
Travel Research Online
Travel Weekly Virtual Events
USTOA Travel Agent Webinars

3. Read a Book

The internet is a great resource for information, but if you really want to invest in your business savvy or even your personal growth, pick up a book! This will allow you to take a deeper look at business topics that really interest you. These are a few great ones to check out:

New Gold Standard, The
Joseph A. Michelli

Nordstrom Way to Customer Experience Excellence, The
Robert Spector & BreAnne O. Reeves

Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die
Chip Heath & Dan Heath

StrengthsFinder 2.0
Tom Rath

How Successful People Think
John C. Maxwell

When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing
Daniel H. Pink

Crushing It!: How Great Entrepreneurs Build Their Business and Influence
Gary Vaynerchuck

➡️ Read next: Top Tips for Marketing Your Travel Agency This Summer

Shawna Levet

Shawna is passionate about helping travel agents grow their business and expand their knowledge as travel experts. She has been in the travel industry since 2011, helping agents and travelers alike find the best negotiated airfare and travel coverage to meet their needs.

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