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8 Money-Making Reasons You Need to Start a Travel Blog

8 Money-Making Reasons You Need to Start a Travel Blog

To blog or not to blog–that is the question for every travel agent. Blogging is no simple task. It takes time and research to write engaging content that attracts the right kind of readers. We know working as a travel advisor is demanding and fulfilling; is it worth adding another task to your busy schedule? We’re here to argue: definitely! Without a travel blog, you could be losing potential clients and revenue.

Here are eight reasons you should start a travel blog. Hint: it involves making money and attracting new clients!

1. Blog Readers Become Clients

On average, a client needs to read your blog 3.5 times before becoming a customer. This means you need to write engaging content to attract new clients! The more readers interact with you and your brand through your blog, the more likely they will reach out for travel advice.

2. Readers Trust Your Expertise

Blogging is an exceptional way to share insider knowledge and build a repertoire with your readers. If you write about the best deals in Sri Lanka, the must-see sights in Harbin, or the tricky tourist traps in Rome, readers will trust your expertise–especially if you write from personal experience! Blog readers who trust you are more likely to book trips through you.

3. Solve the Wanderlust

The more you write about travel tips and promote incredible destinations, the more readers will feel the longing of wanderlust. It’s a simple formula. By sharing breathtaking places and providing a means to get readers there, you just won the heart of a new client. Your next cruise or all-inclusive trip could be one blog post away.

4. Address Questions and Gain Clients

One of the best methods to find content ideas is by listening to your clients. What are their travel questions? What insider secrets can you share to make their trips easier? Take 400 words to answer their question and publish the article on your travel blog. Chances are other people ask the same questions, too! By proving yourself as a helpful resource, readers will contact you to book their next trip.

5. Beef Your Social Accounts

Coming up with fresh content to post regularly on your social accounts can be a pain. Instead of writing new material for each account, you can easily repurpose your blog content to post on Facebook, Instagram, and the like. Share a snip-it from your blog and drop a link–it’s that simple! You can keep the conversation going by answering or liking each response in the comments. It’s an organic way to interact with your readers and increase engagement on your social pages.

6. Boost Referrals Effortlessly

Word-of-mouth is still the best marketing tactic; over 90% of people trust recommendations from family and friends over other advertising methods. As a travel advisor, word-of-mouth is your ticket to gain new clients, and you can spread the word by starting a travel blog. If you write great content (with the help of great keywords), the more likely reputable travel writers will link to your articles and your followers will share the content on social. This is a great way to get in front of potential clients you wouldn’t otherwise reach!

7. Gain Easy Marketing Affiliates

If you swear by certain products, especially anything travel related, why not earn a little extra for promoting the brand? You can contact the brand directly to see if they offer affiliate programs, or you can join an associate program like the one through Amazon to gain a few bucks to promote products you already love. Give it a try!

Pro tip: It’s best practice always to inform your readers that an article contains affiliate links if you post one.

8. Milk Cash from Ad Space

Selling ad space should not be your primary motivation in starting a travel blog, but it can create easy side-hustle under the right conditions. Once you gain a following, advertisers will want to put their product in front of your niche readers, and those pennies add up! Pop-up ads are obnoxious, but a well-placed ad in the side margins will hardly intrude a reader’s experience. You can also download one of several plugins to make ad-space integration a breeze on your travel blog.

Think you’re ready to start a travel blog?

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8 Money-Making Reasons You Need to Start a Travel Blog

Macy Maxson

As Digital Marketing Strategist at Centrav, Macy loves all things marketing. Her passion is to help travel professionals run their business well and succeed! Her favorite destinations to travel to include the Caribbean and Europe.

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