Centrav Resources

Think Like a Boss: How Successful People Think Differently

5 Ways to Think More Like An Entrepreneur

Do you ever wonder how successful people think? Are they born to blaze their own trail, or do they grow into it? Do they see the world through a different lens? What keeps them motivated and energized to chase their goals? 

Maybe you’ve never really viewed yourself as an entrepreneur. But if you’re in the travel industry, you probably have a bit more “entrepreneur spirit” in you than you realize. Many full-time travel advisors have their own small businesses or work somewhat independently under a host agency. Many are also pioneering their own way in a very niche corner of the market. If you are a professional travel advisor, you’re probably responsible for staying educated and up-to-date in the industry. It’s also likely that you do your own marketing and that networking is a huge component of your business. When you consider all these factors, you might realize you are, in fact, more of an entrepreneur than you thought. 

There’s not another travel advisor quite like you. With that in mind, take time to invest in yourself. It’s worth it! Here are a few ways to start thinking like an entrepreneur:

1. They avoid multi-tasking.

“Wherever you are, be there.” – Jim Elliot

Success at anything requires dedicated focus. Multi-tasking sounds great, but doing more than one thing at once actually reduces your productivity across the board. In fact, studies show that multitasking can reduce productivity by as much as 40%. Focusing on one thing is very, very hard to do when you sell travel. There are so many moving pieces and components demanding your attention. That’s okay! Avoid multitasking where you can. And make sure you have some time each day to focus on long-term goals that need attention.

2. They’re always accumulating knowledge.

“You see, but you do not observe.” – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (A Scandal in Bohemia)

Do you see a long line or an unexpected layover as a bother? Look instead for the opportunities. What can you learn? What would happen if you strike up a conversation with the person next to you? A highly successful person is purposeful when other people are around. A leader is a learner, gathering knowledge from events and situations that others would overlook.

3. They set specific goals.

“Goals should be clear enough to be kept in focus. Close enough to be achieved. Helpful enough to change lives.” – John C. Maxwell (How Successful People Think)

I’m going to work out more. I will spend more time with my family. I want to get more clients.

What time will you go to the gym each day and what will you do there? Which days are you setting aside for your family and how will you say no to other things that try to take your attention? How many clients do you want to gain and by what date?

Achieving your goals doesn’t happen by accident. It takes intentionality and grit. If you don’t set a specific goal you won’t get very far. It helps to write your goals down. So get a small notebook or a planner and use it every day. 

4. They welcome challenges.

“We also rejoice in our afflictions because we know that affliction produces endurance, endurance produces proven character, and proven character produces hope.” – The Apostle Paul (Romans)

An optimistic attitude is a gamer-changer. Average people are threatened by challenges and run away. Or at best they say, “Well that stinks, but we’ll get through it somehow!” Successful people make lemonade. A challenge is just an opportunity to get stronger and smarter, so bring it on!

5. They’re focused on building their team and not just themselves.

When you have an incredible vision it can be really hard to delegate. You might be afraid that, by delegating, you will risk something being done poorly or not the way you’d envisioned. But it is far more efficient to focus your effort on communicating your vision clearly and building the right team than to try and do everything yourself. Successful people know they can’t do it alone. They know how to bring the right people to the table. They also know how to empower those people to be the best they can be. 

How well do you know your team? Is each one operating in the best role for their unique set of skills and talents? Learn more about your team by using a test such as the CliftonStrengths (formerly known as Strengthsfinder). Team-investment is important even if your team is very small. Lift up those around you and everyone thrives.

Shawna Levet

Shawna is passionate about helping travel agents grow their business and expand their knowledge as travel experts. She has been in the travel industry since 2011, helping agents and travelers alike find the best negotiated airfare and travel coverage to meet their needs.


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