
After making a booking, you can send a receipt to your client by clicking “My Bookings” and clicking “View” next to a booking.

You can see the options on your right under Receipts.

  • Traveler quote with no pricing
  • Traveler quote with credit card price
  • Traveler quote with cash price
  • Agent Receipt

If you click any of the above options without profit, you’ll get a warning pop-up. Scroll down to add your profit before sending a receipt to your client. Click “Save Changes” and click one of the options under Receipts to send to your clients.

You can click on one of the options. Enter your client’s email address and you have the option to add a custom message of any kind. OR you can use our recommended copy and modify it. You can also use our recommended rules and modify that as well.

You can scroll down to view what is being sent to your client. Scroll back to the top and click “Send”.


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