Centrav Resources

Where the heck is my refund?

As a result of COVID-19, over four million flights have been canceled, leaving over 590 million passengers in need of a refund or exchange for their flight. This created a tsunami of refund requests across the entire airline industry… more than any company could have planned for.

Let’s put that in perspective for you and your clients. Take a look at the infographic we created below

Where is my refund

Macy Maxson

As Digital Marketing Strategist at Centrav, Macy loves all things marketing. Her passion is to help travel professionals run their business well and succeed! Her favorite destinations to travel to include the Caribbean and Europe.

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  • I Think you guys are a class act!!! I totally understand and have spoken to my clients and now they too understand. Thank you Centrav for keeping us informed. You are the number 1 agents for agents!

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