Centrav Resources
creating company culture

8 Ways to Boost Your Team’s Morale

Keeping your team engaged

It’s been a hard year for the travel industry. In times like these, it’s important to keep spirits up any way you can! Creating intentional time to boost your team’s morale can also help companies create company culture. This helps your employees feel connected to your team and fulfilled at work. You can start to do this by creating memorable office traditions and finding ways to celebrate your team. These are a few ways you can boost your team’s morale, creating a company culture that is uplifting and rewarding.

1. Do lunch out

Teams that eat together have better communication, greater teamwork, and even a better retention rate. Your team will certainly get to know each other in the break room, but an occasional lunch out is even better! Give your team a head’s up in advance, so they know not to bring their lunch.

2. Celebrate work anniversaries

The average employee spends less than five years at one job before transitioning, and that time continues to grow shorter. In companies where longevity is valued, management should not overlook work anniversaries. Find ways to commemorate your employees’ work anniversaries giving special attention to major milestones like the 10 or 15-year mark.

3. Take creative days

Are your sales and marketing strategies stuck in a rut? Maybe an “off-campus” creative day is what you need! Make sure you have enough backup staff to keep your phones covered. Then take your sales and marketing team out for a fun afternoon of brainstorming. Choose a restaurant or coffee shop that will allow you to reserve a large table in a quiet corner. Sometimes a change of scenery does wonders!

4. Offer FAM trips

A pair of domestic airline tickets is a great way to say thank you and get your agents some much-needed travel experience. It is so important for agents to travel often, so they have more knowledge and experience to assist your clients. If you can swing it, try budgeting for them to enjoy a unique experience such as a local attraction or a fun restaurant.

5. Encourage “bleisure trips”

The term “bleisure trip” may look like a typo, but it’s actually one of hottest travel trends to emerge within the past couple of years. This refers to any travel that intentionally incorporates a leisure or relaxation element into a business trip. This is especially popular among millennials, who have a high drive to blend their personal and work lives together. If your employees travel for work, consider offering them an extra night at their destination for fun. While you will pay extra for the hotel, you might save a little on airfare by having them stay over a Saturday night.

6. Create incentive programs

You can offer individual incentives for meeting personal sales goals or group incentives for meeting quarterly goals. This will all depend on how your team is structured and what best suits your environment. However you do it, make sure your parameters are clear and fair.

7. Volunteer together

Volunteering together is an amazing way to boost your team’s morale! Build a sense of purpose and camaraderie among your colleagues by spending a day serving your community. You can sort donations at a food shelf, feed the homeless, or clean up a local park.

8. Host a night out

It’s good to see your coworkers outside of the work environment and remember that they are human beings with families and lives outside the cubical. Host a fun event such as a dinner cruise, a barbeque or a night at a bowling alley. Let everyone bring a plus one and get to know another side of their lives.

Shawna Levet

Shawna is passionate about helping travel agents grow their business and expand their knowledge as travel experts. She has been in the travel industry since 2011, helping agents and travelers alike find the best negotiated airfare and travel coverage to meet their needs.

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